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Model evaluation#

This example shows how to load model and observation data and evalute model performance.

# skip this if package has already been installed
!pip install modvis
from modvis import ATSutils
from modvis import utils
from modvis import general_plots as gp

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

model_dir = "../data/coalcreek"

Download the sample data when running on Google Colab

# import os
# if not os.path.exists(model_dir):
#   !git clone
#   %cd ./modvis/examples/notebooks

Load model data#

This will load the water_balance-daily.dat file generated from ATS model. The data file includes watershed variables including outlet discharge, ET, and etc.

simu_df = ATSutils.load_waterBalance(model_dir, WB_filename="water_balance-daily.dat",
                                plot = True)

Load observation data#

obs_df = utils.load_nwis(sites= "09111250", start = '2014-10-01')

Streamflow comparison#

Compare simulated streamflow with observed USGS streamflow.

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,4))
simu_df['watershed boundary discharge [m^3/d]'].plot(color = 'c',ax=ax, label= "simu_Q")
obs_df['Discharge [m^3/d]'].plot(color = 'k', ax=ax, label = "obs_Q")
ax.set_ylabel("Discharge [m^3/d]")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fd7c97556f0>

FDC comparison#

Compare the simulated vs. observed flow duration curve.

fig, ax = gp.plot_FDC(dfs=[obs_df['Discharge [m^3/d]'], simu_df['watershed boundary discharge [m^3/d]']],
           colors=['k', 'c'],

One-to-one plot#

One to one scatter plot with metrics.

gp.one2one_plot(obs_df['Discharge [m^3/d]'], simu_df['watershed boundary discharge [m^3/d]'],
               metrics=['R^2', 'NSE', 'mKGE'],
                # metrics='all',
{'R^2': 0.8721059035985849,
 'NSE': 0.8386136492066862,
 'mKGE': 0.7947371500678737}