Postprocess Snodas

2 minute read


Post-process SNODAS data

I will show how to post-process SNODAS data using a suite of tools in the command line. This tutorial has only been tested on Linux/Ubuntu system, but the method should be the same for other OS.

Some notes about the SNODAS snow data:

  • The User guide provides the most complete information about SNODAS.
  • the masked snow data files for the CONUS since Oct 2003; the unmasked data is for the

Software requirement

nco, Docker

Download data

See for more details.

I used wget to download all the snow data:

wget --ftp-user=anonymous -r -nd


Untar and unzip

# untar
ls *.tar | xargs -i tar xf {}

# unzip .gz files
gunzip *.gz  # note, this will replace original files!

You will have both *.dat and *.txt file with the same file name.

Each .dat file is differentiated by the product code. See SNODAS user guide for more details.

  • us_ssmv11034tS*.dat is for SWE

Subset data using pyrs

See for more info.

  • prepare data. Move all us_ssmv11034tS__T0001TTNATS*.dat into a single folder.

  • Download docker (need root permission). Follow the instructions for installing Linux-ubuntu version.

  • Run docker. This will mount input datasets as well as output directory, and run pyrs interactively.

  • docker run -it --rm -v /mnt/4tbd/pin/SNODAS/extracted-files/us_swe/extracted-files/dat/:/DATASETS -v /mnt/4tbd/pin/SNODAS/extracted-files/us_swe/extracted-files/netcdf/:/output  nsidc/pyrs_container:v1.1.0
    • Run PyRS
      # enter command for interactive operation
      $ pyrs
      # choose data source
      Source type (one of SNODAS, NSIDC-0051, NSIDC-0081):SNODAS
      # choose format
      Output format (one of geotiff, netcdf): netcdf
      # then follow the prompts to enter input/output directory
      Input directory [/]:/DATASETS
      Output directory [/]:/output
      # wheter to subset the data
      Would you like to subset the data? [y/N]:y
      # enter the box region in decimal
      westernmost bound (decimal degrees from -125.0 to -67.0) [-125.0]:-108
      northernmost bound (decimal degrees from 25.0 to 53.0) [53.0]:40
      easternmost bound (decimal degrees from -108.0 to -67.0) [-67.0]:-106
      southernmost bound (decimal degrees from 25.0 to 40.0) [25.0]:38
      # wait for it to process
      # exit when it is done

combine netcdf files

  • download NCO tookit For Ubuntu/Linux:
    aptitude install nco
  • Combine all daily netcdf files using ncrcat command:
ls | grep \.nc | ncrcat -o
  • remove concat history from the attributes field using ncatted command. This can help to reduce the netcdf filesize.
ncatted -a nco_input_file_list,global,d,,

​ For details on how to use ncatted, see

​ - view the contect of netcdf using ncdump -hs

Subset region

Use ncea to subset regions. See documentation for more details.

# format
ncea -d lat,minimum_lat,maximum_lat -d lon,minimum_lon,maximum_lon
# for example
ncea -d lat,38.0,40.0 -d lon,-108.0,-106.0